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FAA woes . . .

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:22 am    Post subject: FAA woes . . . Reply with quote

At 03:38 PM 2/2/2007 -0600, you wrote:


Yes indeed. And then spend a few minutes at and and let your elected officials know you are unhappy. If all
they ever hear is bland, politically correct official statements from
AOPA, they won't know how pissed we are.

Dave Morris
Rebel with a vote

Always an good place to start . . .

But understand too that 'government' (just WHO is
that anyway?) has us just where they want us. We're
a small fraction (600K) of the whole (130 millions)
of eligible voters.

This is a situation shared with EVERY other special
interest group in the US. The folks in Congress are
delighted that we've all found niche causes to champion
because it distracts us from the fundamental cause that
every voting citizen should be pulling for.

Our plight as an 'abused' minority is shared with every
other 'abused' minority and there's not a thing we can
do about it because we continue to act as minorities
i.e., not enough votes in the block to be a real threat
to those who 'abuse' us.

To explore how these losses to liberty came to pass
one needs to study and understand the simple-ideas
upon which the government was originally formed and
then study the history that brought us to where we
are. For those interested, I'll suggest the following

Foundation for the original thoughts . . .


or get the free audio book at:

This famous document "Common Sense" was penned
by Thomas Paine. Yea, we all probably heard about it
in high school . . . but I heard it from some
very unimaginative teachers who were unable or
unwilling to get me engaged in the significance.

Then see:

There are audio books on this too . . . but I've
not yet located a downloadable copy.

I keep copies of both these documents in .mp3 format
to listen too on long drives. I've listened to both
perhaps three times each and try to renew my acquaintance
with their wisdom regularly. Got a driving trip to
Little Rock coming up next week.

To recap the major thoughts brought forth by these
two teachers: (1) the primary purpose of law is to
protect liberty. Liberty being a condition that
allows one to traverse life free of force or fraud
against their person or property. (2) the role of
government should be clearly and simply defined and
those definitions kept in mind when sending
representation to Washington.

Of course, there is this docoument:

Reall that the Constitution was written by
ordinary citizens who where farmers and merchants.
None were professional legislators. None believed they
were undertaking a task to lay the foundations for what
passes for government today. The document is only
24 pages long and 90% of it has to do with organizational
housekeeping. Take a highligher and mark those passages
that speak to governmental operations that affect you
personally . . . and you'll find that it's not much
and the meanings are quite clear without benefit of
a constitutional law student from Harvard to
interpret for you.

The point of this exercise is to offer some insight
as to how we find ourselves commiserating over the
latest perceived injustice in aviation while every
other minority special interest group commiserates
over their particular perceptions.

The next time your prospective representative appears
at a town hall meeting or campaign rally, the questions
to ask should not be based on what you want from
Washington. For myself, I would ask that every candidate
seeking my vote be cloistered in a quiet room with
their favorite music, a handful of pencils and one of
those theme books we used in school to craft an
example of our knowledge and understanding for the
purpose of receiving a grade.

Writing task for the prospective legislator:

Define liberty

Define honorable behavior

Define dishonorable behavior

Is it possible to be neither dishonorable or honorable? -

What are the guiding principals which you call upon
while considering legislation? List and explain
what you consider to be the three most important.

Do you believe in prime-directives? I.e, are there
some lines that the legislature should never cross?

What in your opinion are the three most powerful ideas
in the Constitution. Explain. (no "right" answer for
this - I just want to see how well the candidate
understands the document . . . or even if he/she has
read the thing).

What are the constitutional roles of the House, the
Senate and the President?

Is it the roll of the courts to judge actions of citizens
against the meaning your legislation or against their
interpretations of the Constitution?

Cite words from the Constitution that justifies
government notice that I am anyone but a citizen of
voting age? Where does government receive the charter to
know how old I am, my sex, my job, my income, etc.

Press buzzer for drinks, sandwiches or potty break.

Now, the unfortunate part is that very few if any
folks we've sent to Washington could produce a cogent
document answering those questions. The saddest part yet
is that should a candidate demonstrate an exemplary
understanding of the role of government in a
democratic republic, few of our fellow citizens are
sufficiently cognizant of the topic to accurately
judge the candidate's qualification to office.

Bottom line is, yes write your Congressfolks and do
it regularly. It's easy. See:

This is an interesting site for it not only provides
a conduit into which you can place your own thoughts
but it highlights the thoughts of your fellow citizens
on matters of legislation and citizen expectations of
Congress. Try not to get too depressed when you read them.

Yes, write about specific issues of interest to your
particular abused minority . . . but include words
in EVERY letter that indicates your understanding of
how Congress ignores their sworn duty under the
Constitution. Touch also on how any particular action
of Congress has attacked the liberty of yourself or
fellow citizens. It doesn't hurt to quote Paine or
Bastiat from time to time (But I'll bet very few
legislators know who these fellows were or have
read what they wrote).

As a member of an abused minority focused on the
complaint du jour, you don't represent much of a threat
to your representative's generous salary and spectacular
retirement package. But as a member of the cognizant majority
who correctly identifies and spotlights their dishonor, THAT
they will find worrisome.

Will this 'fix' any of the current complaints? Probably
not. In fact, I cannot imagine what it would be like
to recover from an event that suddenly restricts government
to its constituted constraints. For one thing, we would
immediately have millions of unemployed workers from no-value-
added careers who would suddenly have to find useful jobs like
the rest of us. It wouldn't be easy but I'd welcome the
short term chaos with open arms. Flying our airplanes in
the future could be a whole new world! But it's a sure bet
that as a minority complainer, our pleas are summarily
ignored beyond, "Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
I will keep them in mind as I deliberate the next attack on
the liberty of you or some of your fellow citizens".
Yeah, right.

Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:56 am    Post subject: FAA woes . . . Reply with quote

That, sir, gets a bookmark all its own in my "favorite places" folder.
Have you considered writing for Mark Alexander's I
believe they have a second career for you.

Thanks & do not archive

-Bill B

On 2/3/07, Robert L. Nuckolls, III <nuckollsr(at)> wrote:

At 03:38 PM 2/2/2007 -0600, you wrote:

>Yes indeed. And then spend a few minutes at and
> and let your elected officials know you are unhappy. If all
>they ever hear is bland, politically correct official statements from
>AOPA, they won't know how pissed we are.
>Dave Morris
>Rebel with a vote

Always an good place to start . . .

But understand too that 'government' (just WHO is
that anyway?) has us just where they want us. We're
a small fraction (600K) of the whole (130 millions)
of eligible voters.

This is a situation shared with EVERY other special
interest group in the US. The folks in Congress are
delighted that we've all found niche causes to champion
because it distracts us from the fundamental cause that
every voting citizen should be pulling for.

Our plight as an 'abused' minority is shared with every
other 'abused' minority and there's not a thing we can
do about it because we continue to act as minorities
i.e., not enough votes in the block to be a real threat
to those who 'abuse' us.

To explore how these losses to liberty came to pass
one needs to study and understand the simple-ideas
upon which the government was originally formed and
then study the history that brought us to where we
are. For those interested, I'll suggest the following

Foundation for the original thoughts . . .


or get the free audio book at:

This famous document "Common Sense" was penned
by Thomas Paine. Yea, we all probably heard about it
in high school . . . but I heard it from some
very unimaginative teachers who were unable or
unwilling to get me engaged in the significance.

Then see:

There are audio books on this too . . . but I've
not yet located a downloadable copy.

I keep copies of both these documents in .mp3 format
to listen too on long drives. I've listened to both
perhaps three times each and try to renew my acquaintance
with their wisdom regularly. Got a driving trip to
Little Rock coming up next week.

To recap the major thoughts brought forth by these
two teachers: (1) the primary purpose of law is to
protect liberty. Liberty being a condition that
allows one to traverse life free of force or fraud
against their person or property. (2) the role of
government should be clearly and simply defined and
those definitions kept in mind when sending
representation to Washington.

Of course, there is this docoument:

Reall that the Constitution was written by
ordinary citizens who where farmers and merchants.
None were professional legislators. None believed they
were undertaking a task to lay the foundations for what
passes for government today. The document is only
24 pages long and 90% of it has to do with organizational
housekeeping. Take a highligher and mark those passages
that speak to governmental operations that affect you
personally . . . and you'll find that it's not much
and the meanings are quite clear without benefit of
a constitutional law student from Harvard to
interpret for you.

The point of this exercise is to offer some insight
as to how we find ourselves commiserating over the
latest perceived injustice in aviation while every
other minority special interest group commiserates
over their particular perceptions.

The next time your prospective representative appears
at a town hall meeting or campaign rally, the questions
to ask should not be based on what you want from
Washington. For myself, I would ask that every candidate
seeking my vote be cloistered in a quiet room with
their favorite music, a handful of pencils and one of
those theme books we used in school to craft an
example of our knowledge and understanding for the
purpose of receiving a grade.

Writing task for the prospective legislator:

Define liberty

Define honorable behavior

Define dishonorable behavior

Is it possible to be neither dishonorable or honorable? -

What are the guiding principals which you call upon
while considering legislation? List and explain
what you consider to be the three most important.

Do you believe in prime-directives? I.e, are there
some lines that the legislature should never cross?

What in your opinion are the three most powerful ideas
in the Constitution. Explain. (no "right" answer for
this - I just want to see how well the candidate
understands the document . . . or even if he/she has
read the thing).

What are the constitutional roles of the House, the
Senate and the President?

Is it the roll of the courts to judge actions of citizens
against the meaning your legislation or against their
interpretations of the Constitution?

Cite words from the Constitution that justifies
government notice that I am anyone but a citizen of
voting age? Where does government receive the charter to
know how old I am, my sex, my job, my income, etc.

Press buzzer for drinks, sandwiches or potty break.

Now, the unfortunate part is that very few if any
folks we've sent to Washington could produce a cogent
document answering those questions. The saddest part yet
is that should a candidate demonstrate an exemplary
understanding of the role of government in a
democratic republic, few of our fellow citizens are
sufficiently cognizant of the topic to accurately
judge the candidate's qualification to office.

Bottom line is, yes write your Congressfolks and do
it regularly. It's easy. See:

This is an interesting site for it not only provides
a conduit into which you can place your own thoughts
but it highlights the thoughts of your fellow citizens
on matters of legislation and citizen expectations of
Congress. Try not to get too depressed when you read them.

Yes, write about specific issues of interest to your
particular abused minority . . . but include words
in EVERY letter that indicates your understanding of
how Congress ignores their sworn duty under the
Constitution. Touch also on how any particular action
of Congress has attacked the liberty of yourself or
fellow citizens. It doesn't hurt to quote Paine or
Bastiat from time to time (But I'll bet very few
legislators know who these fellows were or have
read what they wrote).

As a member of an abused minority focused on the
complaint du jour, you don't represent much of a threat
to your representative's generous salary and spectacular
retirement package. But as a member of the cognizant majority
who correctly identifies and spotlights their dishonor, THAT
they will find worrisome.

Will this 'fix' any of the current complaints? Probably
not. In fact, I cannot imagine what it would be like
to recover from an event that suddenly restricts government
to its constituted constraints. For one thing, we would
immediately have millions of unemployed workers from no-value-
added careers who would suddenly have to find useful jobs like
the rest of us. It wouldn't be easy but I'd welcome the
short term chaos with open arms. Flying our airplanes in
the future could be a whole new world! But it's a sure bet
that as a minority complainer, our pleas are summarily
ignored beyond, "Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
I will keep them in mind as I deliberate the next attack on
the liberty of you or some of your fellow citizens".
Yeah, right.

Bob . . .

- The Matronics AeroElectric-List Email Forum -

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:20 am    Post subject: FAA woes . . . Reply with quote

At 07:55 AM 2/4/2007 -0500, you wrote:


That, sir, gets a bookmark all its own in my "favorite places" folder.
Have you considered writing for Mark Alexander's I
believe they have a second career for you.

Thanks & do not archive

Thank you for the kind words and your understanding . . .
but I've got too many careers already and my major career
change focus now needs to be for launching the Wichita
graymatter collective.

I have been working on another book . . . it's a collection
of essays that take on the task of disassembling what appear to
be complex features of our lives down to simplest components.
It's for my grandchildren. A major theme through the writing
illuminates the fact that the livelihood of many citizens
depends on other citizens believing that some task or level
of understanding is too complex for individuals to be
entrusted with. They go out of their way to increase perceived
levels of complexity so as to maintain their positions as
learned arbiters of weighty matters.

They sandbag their self-exalted positions by words,
actions and even threat of punishment (force of law)
that are fraudulent but plausible because (1) we ARE as a
nation exceedingly ignorant of the fundamentals - not
stupid but ill-informed and (2) the words and actions are
by persons having airs of authority most of which are not
supported by honorable behavior or demonstrable skills
beyond the art selling of their particular brand of snake oil.

When illuminated and disassembled under the microscope,
the premises upon which all such parasites exist at the
expense of others falls apart. Like the 'Connection, the
Simple Ideas Occasional is a living work. When I'm reasonably
satisfied with the initial body of material, publication
will begin on another website NOT YET in service a

Fly comfortably sir.

Bob . . .

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